Working for


Since 1935, the UAW has been a leader in the fight for progressive policies and programs
that have given millions of Americans
the opportunity to realize the
American Dream.

 You are the union



Local 1268 is an Amalgamated Local with a membership of over 2,000 active and retired brothers and sisters. Our union is a diverse one; we are of many races, creeds and religions. We stand for not only equal rights in the workplace but also in the communities we live in. The standards set forth by unions are enjoyed throughout the country and that is something to be proud of! We are a social movement, and we must continue our fight to keep America’s unions strong and prosperous.
Executive Board

 President - Matt Frantzen     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Vice President - Joey Szakalski    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 2nd Vice President - Stacey Dahle

 Recording Secretary - Michelle Oropeza    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Financial Secretary - Mike Moe     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Trustees - Dawn Tree, Horace Hubbard, Linda Montes

 Sgt-at-Arms - Ron Sodko

 Guide - TBA


Local UAW 1268 is an Amalgamated Local consisting of 4 units:


Unit 1- Stellantis Belvidere Assembly Plant

Unit Chair/Material Committeeman - Cliff Graham

Skilled Trades Acting Committeeman - Mike Campa


Unit 9- SBM Management

Unit Chair - Brent Walker

Committeeman - Kenny Bass


Unit 12- Boone County Clerks

Unit Chairwoman - Heather Austin

Alternate Committeewoman - Kris Pearson


Unit 16- Boone County Recorders

Chairwoman - Laura Bettis

Alternate Chairwoman - Giselle Lenover



The monthly membership meetings are held on the last Saturday of the month at Noon at the 1268 Union Hall.



Our purpose is to inform, update and provide our members, active as well as retired, with accurate information, timely and important alerts for special meetings, as well as reminders of upcoming events, useful information and helpful links. It is also our goal to encourage the membership's involvement and to strenghen solidarity amongst our brothers and sisters. 

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