Working for


Since 1935, the UAW has been a leader in the fight for progressive policies and programs
that have given millions of Americans
the opportunity to realize the
American Dream.


Local 1268 is an Amalgamated Local with a membership of 45 active members and with many retired brothers and sisters. The membership was as high as 4,500 when layoffs started affecting our members. Elimination of jobs started in May 2019 when C crew was eliminated affecting over 1,400 jobs. This effected UAW Local 1268 Brothers & Sisters at Belvidere Assembly Plant, along with our part suppliers Adeint, Android, syncreon, Oakley, Grupo Industries, syncreon ll, Piston, and janitorial SBM Management, and HydroChem. Then in July of 2021 Stellantis eliminates the 2nd shift, now adding another 1,600 jobs lost to our amalgamated local and community.

Even though making a recorded $16.8 billion in net profit in 2022, the company chose to notify 1st shift that they would be idling the plant on February 28, 2023, which did extend to March 3, 2023. Stellantis claims the pandemic and global microchip shortage along with the increased electrification of the automotive market as cause of idling the plant.

Many of our members have transferred to other facilities, accepted a buy-out or have retired. The remainder of our members are uncertain what the future is. The only thing for certain is we all want product for Belvidere Assembly Plant. It only makes sense since our members at Belvidere Assembly Plant had the best attendance, quality and delivery of product in the corporation, with the help of our part suppliers.

We are not done fighting for our members and community.

Stellantis Keep Your Promise

Belvidere Deserves Better


UAW Local 1268 Executive Board

 President - Matt Frantzen     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Vice President - Tony Cavallaro    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 2nd Vice President - Stacey Dahle

 Recording Secretary - Michelle Oropeza    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Financial Secretary - Mike Moe     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Trustees - Dawn Tree, Horace Hubbard, Linda Montes

 Sgt-at-Arms - Ron Sodko

 Guide - Mary Bingenheimer     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Local UAW 1268 is an Amalgamated Local consisting of 4 units:

Unit 1- Stellantis Belvidere Assembly Plant

Unit Chair/Material Committeeman - Cliff Graham

Skilled Trades Acting Committeeman - Mike Campa

Unit 9- SBM Management

Unit Chair - Brent Walker

Committeeman - Kenny Bass

Unit 12- Boone County Clerks

Unit Chairwoman - Heather Austin

Alternate Committeewoman - Kris Pearson

Unit 16- Boone County Recorders

Chairwoman - Laura Bettis

Alternate Chairwoman - Giselle Lenover


The monthly membership meetings are held on the last Saturday of the month at Noon at the 1268 Union Hall.



Our purpose is to inform, update and provide our members, active as well as retired, with accurate information, timely and important alerts for special meetings, as well as reminders of upcoming events, useful information and helpful links. It is also our goal to encourage the membership's involvement and to strenghen solidarity amongst our brothers and sisters. 

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